Body Hair Transplant | Use of Body Hair in Hair Transplantation

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Body Hair Transplant | Use of Body Hair in Hair Transplantation

Among the factors that ensure a successful hair transplant the most important is a dense hair transplant. In other words, even if you have very good technical knowledge, and make the angle, direction and hairline of the hair natural, this success will be overshadowed if you cannot make a dense hair transplant. Therefore, increasing density is an important goal in hair transplant operations. For this, the number of sources for harvesting hair follicles must be increased.

Apart from the traditionally used nape area, denser hair transplantation can be done by using body hair as a hair source. This is called a Body Hair Transplant.

More natural-looking results are obtained by increasing hair density in hair transplants.

In order to ensure naturalness, besides the density, the following points should also be considered:

  • Determining a hair transplantation line compatible with the facial structure by the doctor, Using single grafts starting from the planting line section in the planting plan and using multiple grafts or using volume providing grafts in the middle parts, Making the planting angle and direction of the hair compatible with the hair in its natural area.
  • It should generally be planted with an angle of 40-45 degrees and in the right direction. People who need body hair in hair transplantation are probably those who have more hairlessness problems. Therefore, the collection of each follicle and their planting should be done more carefully.

We use beard roots, which are within the scope of body hair, in hair transplantation planning. In almost all operations, if the beard area is suitable, the roots collected from this region for density are included in the planting plan. Primary Donor Area in Hair Transplantation:
Nape area the traditional hair transplant operation source is the nape region.
This area can be called the primary donor area.
The reason for this preference is that it has almost the same properties as the hair in front.

To better describe this region, it is the area between the ears.
The qualities that make this area special are:

  1. The genetic structure of this hair is programmed to not fall out. They are very minimally affected by hormones that promote hair loss.
  2. The growth models of these hairs are the same as regular hair.
  3. Although hair within the donor area can also be affected by external factors just as the remaining areas of the scalp, it has a higher tendency to preserve its natural appearance.
  4. For example, these roots may have 2, 3, or 4 or even more hairs in them but they may also be singular.

The features listed are proof of these hairs being ideal.

Use of Body Hair in Hair Transplantation

The hair follicles to be used outside the nape area can be taken from a few areas of the body to be transferred to the hair transplantation area.

These are in order of importance:

  • Beard area
  • Chest area
  • Other parts of the body (back, leg, etc.)

Hairline design in hair transplantation

These regions can be expressed as other areas of the body that are hair, as can be seen.

Follicles Taken from the Beard Area

Hair from the beard region is characteristically closer to the nape hair follicles than other body parts.

The growth rates of the hair roots taken from the beard show some differences compared to the hair on the nape.
Hair has a lifetime of 4-5 years and is expected to grow 1-1.5 cm per month.
The beard, on the other hand, has a similar lifetime but grows a little slower.

One feature of the beard roots is that they are often singular.
In other words, it does not have two or three hairs in a root, like in the nape area.

Hair from the beard area is thick. While a normal hair thickness is 0.04-0.06 mm in diameter, the diameter in the beard roots can even exceed 0.08 to 0.1 mm on average. Of course, these are situations that can vary from person to person. You can review this article for detailed analysis:

Hair follicles to be collected from the beard area are limited to the area under the chin. The reason for this is that it is able to disrupt homogeneity since it is a shaved area. In other words, when the hair follicles are taken from the cheek, there is little possibility of understanding. For this reason, it is preferred to collect hair follicles from the invisible area under the chin.

Chest Area Hair Follicles

  • Hair follicles taken from the chest area consist of single hair follicles, just like the hair follicles in the beard region.
  • Hair follicles taken from the chest area grow less than the beard roots.
  • They are expected to grow no more than 5-6 cm.
  • These hair follicles generally grow curlier rather than straight.
  • They are thinner.

Hair Follicles on Other Parts of the Body (Back, Leg, etc.)

The hair follicles here have the same characteristics as the hair follicles in the chest area.

All of the hair follicles (beard, chest, etc.) taken from the body are used as tightening roots in the central regions, not in the frontier boundaries.

Planning of Body Area Hair in Hair Transplantation

In hair transplantation, the hair follicles are tried to be collected as much as possible without damaging the nape region. After that, it is planned to remove the hair follicles obtained from the beard region first. Our doctors are the most experienced and well known doctors in the field of hair transplantation. In other words, when planning hair transplantation, instead of planning to collect hair first from the chest area, it prefers the beard region where more hair follicles can be taken.

Post-Op period of the hair follicles taken from the body

It takes between a week and 10 days for the tiny crusts on the hair follicles collected from all parts of the body to completely pass. It takes a few months to achieve a completely homogeneous appearance.

If a second operation is desired from the areas where hair follicles are collected, re-collection can be done after 6 months as these areas completely repair themselves. The transplanted hair follicles begin to get closer to the hair character where it is planted 2 years later. In other words, if the hair follicles taken from the nape region are planted in the eyebrow region, it may show a longer growth feature over time. It is not expected to return to the exact same character.


Hair transplantation with the roots taken from the body is used in people whose first roots in the nape region are not sufficient. The aim is to increase the success of hair transplantation. Other hair follicles of the body, which are suitable for this, are taken into planting planning.

If there are hair follicles collected from the nape in this hair transplantation, they can be used in critical areas in the transplantation area to create a natural appearance. For example, the frontal hairline. Hair follicles from other parts of the body can be used as supportive and density-increasing sources. Thus, voluminous and higher satisfactory hair transplantation results are obtained.